Frequently Asked Questions
Para acceder a nuestros modelos Support Center WAM, ALLOC y FLOOD, debes ir al final de cada subsección de Tools. There, you will find a button to download the model.
Once you download the model, go to the General Resourcesto find instructions on how to run the HydroBID models.
he HydroBID Support Center offers an online course every year for 150 people with the assistance of the Knowledge, Innovation, and Communications (KIC) area of the Inter-American Development Bank. Registration dates will be published in our newsletter and the News section on the homepage. If you are a government, technical, or educational institution, we offer customized training for all our models, in-person or remotely. To learn more, contact us via email at HydroBID@IADB.ORG. We are currently working on the HydroBID ALLOC and FLOOD online courses. Stay tuned for their release!
To become part of the Community of Practice, you attend one of our training sessions, either the ones organized by institutions or the online course. Once you are part of our community, you can acquire the Insignia Digital and join the Forum.
You can check the Forum If you don't find an answer, don't hesitate to email us at HydroBID@IADB.ORG.
If you want to share your achievements using the Support Centermodels, ask questions about applications in the rest of the region, and more, you must be part of the Community of Practice. Once a member, you can sign up and participate in this learning space.
If you want to change or delete any type of information related to your activity on the forum, online courses, or your account, please send us an email to HydroBID@IADB.ORG . For more about the use of your personal data, go to our Privacy Notice.
Contact Us
If you couldn’t find what you were looking for in our FAQ, if you want to report something, or you want to get in touch with us... Don’t hesitate to write us!